Bornu empire. Sudan Africa. Girl from Kano.

Bornu empire. Sudan Africa. Girl from Kano. Historical clothing.

Young girl from Kano. Bornu empire, Sudan. Bournouaise.

Bornu empire. Sudan Africa. Girl from Kano. Historical clothing.

Bornu was an empire in central Sudan, which was in the area of present-day Nigeria, Niger and Chad.  Bornu located at the west of Lake Chad was since ancient times part of the Kanem Empire. Kano is a city in Nigeria. It is capital of the state of the same name.

From the book: Mœurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d’après des documents and authentiques et les voyages des plus récents; Publié par Auguste Wahlen. Chevalier de Plusieurs Orders. Europe. Bruxelles, a la Librairie Historique-Artistique, Rue de Schaerbeek, 12. 1844.

Associated to:

  1. Historical costumes from Europe.
  2. Historical costumes from Asia.
  3. Historical costumes from Africa, America and Oceania.
  4. Historical and folk costumes by Franz Lipperheide.
  5. Costumes of all countries by Alexandre Lacauchie.

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