Embroidered Canezou. Romantic era costumes 1833.

Embroidered Canezou. Romantic era costumes.

La Mode 1833

Embroidered Canezou. Romantic era costume 1833.

Chapeau de paille d’Italie orne de plumes – Robe de mousseline. Canezou (aka Canezou-fichu) de mousseline brodée.

La Mode. 1833. Journal et gravures des mode. Bibliography of costume. Romantic Era, Restoration.

Associated to:

  1. The Second Republic. 1848 to 1851.
  2. Fashion in the Reign of Philippe. 1830 to 1848.
  3. Reigns of Louis XVIII. and Charles X. 1815 to 1830. The Restoration period.
  4. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814. First Empire, Regency period.
  5. Comparison of the French and English modes. The Regency fashion period 1808-1815.
  6. Fashion History France. On the history of costumes.

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