Clovis is proclaimed by the Salian Franks as king.

salian franks, Merovingian King, Clovis, frankish, medieval clothing. 5th century costumes

Clovis proclaimed as King of the Franks

Clovis is proclaimed by the Salian Franks as king.

Clovis c. 466 – c. 511, was the first king of the Franks. He is considered as the founder of the Frankish Empire and the Merovingian dynasty with Paris as its capital.

Les Francs Saliens élevant Clovis sur le pavois et le prochant roi.

Source: Paris à travers les siècles. Histoire nationale de Paris et des Parisiens depuis la fondation de Lutèce jusqu’à nos jours, by Nicolas Jules Henri Gourdon de Genouillac. Published 1879.

(Merovingian, Carolingian, Frankish, British, Anglo-Saxon, Roman, Celtic, Byzantine, Levante, early Medieval, costume history)

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  1. Frankish Merovingian costume history 4th and 5th century.
  2. Clovis. The Merovingian Dynasty.
  3. The Barbarian Invasions. The Migration Period in Europe, 395-527 A. D.
  4. The Byzantine Fashion History 5th to 6th century.
  5. The Carolingian fashion period 752-987. Reign of Charlemagne.
  6. The Carolingian Fashion Period 987 to 1270.
  7. Europe in the time of Charles the Great 768 – 814. (Maps, Places).
  8. Ancient British period. Fashion history of England. Bronze age.
  9. Britannia Saxonica. Chronology of the Anglo-Saxons.
  10. Celt and Roman. History of England 43 BC to 440 AD.
  11. The Gallic and Gallo-Roman costume period.
  12. Ancient Roman costume history. B.C. 53 to A.D. 450.
  13. The Roman Tunica or Greek Chiton.
  14. The Roman Paenula. The cowl or hood.
  15. Roman legionary in full armor.
  16. The Toga and the manner of wearing it.
  17. Gallic and Gallo-Roman helmets of Celtic warriors.
  18. Roman Britain. Maps, Places, Tribes. Historical atlas.
  19. The shields of the Gauls. Clans in the Roman Empire.
  20. Costume history of the Persians and other Asiatics.
  21. Collection of ancient costumes Egyptian, Greek, Roman and others.
  22. On the origin of the pants by Max Marcuse
  23. Roman, Greece and Egypt. The Corset and the Crinolin fashion history.
  24. Alfred the Great. The first English king.
  25. King Harold II. Last Anglo-Saxon king of England.
  26. Monachism. Monastic costumes history.
  27. History of costumes from ancient until 19th century (Collection)
  28. 11th to 13th century. French fashion history.
  29. 11th to 13th century. German fashion history.
  30. 11th to 15th century. Caps and Hoods fashion.

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