Collection of antique Fabric
Examples of textiles from antiquity to modernity.
Sheet of designs for textile fabrics, 17th century. Oriental art. Details: Malaysian weapons, textil and fabrics design. Details: Malaysian weapons, textil and fabrics design. Silk fabric. Tendril pattern, Alexandria, 6th — 7th Cent. Fabric with cock pattern, Persia, ca. 600. Sassanian fabric, Persia, 6th—7th Century Red silk, patterned with figures of Samson and the lion. Alexandria, 6th — 7th Century Fabric with elephant pattern. Persia, 8th — 9th Century Late Antique Fabrics from Egypt. Byzantine silk fabric 11th century. Byzantine period with Sassanid pattern Byzantine, VI-VII. Century. 18th century fabrics. French Silks hanging patterns The ornaments taken from sarcophaguses of pharaohs as they are in the Louvre in Paris. Rope ornaments of royal robes, ornaments of armor and mummy cases. The ornaments are paintings of tombs from different parts of Egypt. They correspond to fabric samples or straw mats and on them were kings. Winter Stuffs. Talamophine. Nivis, Poulinette, Pékiné panécla, Damier mouflonne. Supplément du ” Style Parisian Ancient Egyptian Fabrics Ancient Egyptian Fabrics
Plant Drawings from an Indian Cotton Printer`s Pattern Book Renaissance Flemish School 15th century 16th century Fabric two tone Italian School. 15th century Silk fabric Arabic Factory Designs for furnishing fabrics 1920s Lilly Jacker-Nettel. Designs for furnishing fabrics 1920s Étoffes. Kathe Mertens. Design for print fabric 1920s. Hilde Blumberger fabrics design 1911 Hilde Blumberger 1911. Printed fabric design. Herta Koch. Design for a print fabric 1911. Bruno Paul. Hand-knotted carpets, wall – and furniture fabrics and wallpapers 1910s. Paul Lang. Designs for fabric patterns 1910s. Bernhard Wenig. Designs for modern cloth fabrics 1910s. Paul Lang designs for tablecloth and serving table doily. Design for sofa cushions by Paul Lang Design for sofa cushions by Paul Lang Design for sofa cushions by Paul Lang Design for sofa cushions by Paul Lang Design for sofa cushions by Paul Lang Persian silk velvet 16th century Japanese Fabrics 1870 Japan fabric design 1865 Japan fabric design 1870 Two tone fabric 18th century Spanish brocade fabric 16th Century. Italian fabric 15th century. XV Siècle. École Italienne. Grandeur d’execution. Au museum du Louvre. Tissu a quatre tons. D’après Fra Angelico. Italian Fabric 15th century France 15th century fabric wall hanging XVII Siècle. Fabrique Française. Étoffe de soie rehaussée d’argent. French Silk fabric 17th century. XVII Siècle. Fabrique Française. Collection de M. Maillet du Boullay. Tissu a deux tons. French fabric 17th century. XVII Siècle. Fabrique Française. (Louis XIII.) Tissu en soie avec apliques de velours. Provenant de l’alcove de la princesse de Rohan Soubise, à l’ancien hôtel Soubise à Paris. Textile design Louis XIV epoch. 17th century. Kakémono fabric nineteenth century. Fabrics. Étoffes.
Ancient, Burgundy, Gothic, Renaissance, Tudor, Baroque, Rococo.