Explanation of the six sentences written on the finger joints.
Category: China
Traditional clothing from China. Chinese National Costumes
Cipher representing the three blessings. Chinese superstitions.
Happiness, emolument and longevity: Fuh-luh-show
The character Shou, Longevity. Chinese superstitions.
Artistic cipher, representing the character shou 壽, Longevity.
Charm conferring peace and felicity. Chinese superstitions.
The annexed is a peace-conferring charm, and is commonly styled P‘ing-ngan-fu.
Lung. Chinese Dragons. Appearances and classification.
Chinese dragon and its cultural significance, in mythology and folklore.
Ornamentation in Chinese porcelain painting.
Ornamental treasures. Chinese. Painting, by H. Dolmetsch.
The dragon in Asian art and culture.
Decorative motives of oriental art by Katherine M. Ball. The dragon in Asian art and culture.
Silks and Flowing Patterns. Chinese and Japanese Art.
The piece of silk representation is one of the finest examples of the decoration of woven fabrics that it is possible to study.
Cloisonné Enamel. Specimens of Chinese and Japanese Art.
The various specimens of enamel by Auguste Racinet.
Specimens of Chinese Art. Meanders and Scallops.
Ornamental designs. Specimens of Chinese Art.