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Ancient costume history. Greek, Egypt, Roman.
Greece Dancing Females
Ancient costume history.
Collection of ancient costumes, statues, and fabrics from Egypt, Greek, Minoan, Assyria, Roman, Levante, Gaul, German.
Greece of Antiquity.
GREECE. MEALS AND BANQUET. FURNITURE AND TABLE EQUIPMENT.GREECE. WAR COSTUMES. DIFFERENT WEAPONS. WAR-CARRIAGES.Coiffures of Ancient GreeceCeramics. Ornaments on vases.Ornaments on vases.Greece Hoplite 600 B.C.Hoplite warrior1. Travelling Costume. 2.3. Greece Females. 4. Grecian King. 5.6. Bridal Pair. 7. Female Basket-Bearer at Sacrificial Festival. 8. Priestess of Ceres. 9.11. Feamles. 10. Commander in Chief. 12 Grecian King.Above: Dipstick leak with lion head. Found at Selinunt, Sicily. Below: Ornament at the Parthenon.The peplos of ancient GreeceGreece tragic and comic masksGreece breast-band or StrophĭonLady of Ancient GreeceAncient Greece Costume with zone, cincture girdleThe Lyre Lesson and the Poetry Lesson.The Flute Lesson and the Writing Lesson.Ancient Greece musicians and instrumentsAntique Fresco. The marriage of Peleus and ThetisGreece musicians with instrumentsStatue of PanLibera, or the female Bacchus in a tunicStatue of Athénè. Plate 68Statue of Athénè.Statue of AthénèStatue of Athénè.Statue of Athénè.Greek Female dancerGreek girl in chitonGreek girl in chitonDemeter with clasp-fastened chiton and veilSide view of figure with detached diploidion.Priestess of Demeter (Ceres) with long-sided diploidion or ampechonion.Figure with ampechonion or outer garment, and sleeveless chiton buttoned to give the appearance of sleeves.Figure, Athene with chiton reaching to the feet.Figure with long-sided chiton.Figure with diploidion or bib over peplos and chiton poderes.Coiffure GrèqueCoiffure GrèqueCoiffure GrèqueAncient Greek cultural items.Greek Athletes. Bacchus priest. Greek King.Greek agricultural peopleGreek Military leadersGreek Priestess, Nobility.Greece combatantsGrecian LadiesDancing femalesGreco-Roman art. Frisco, mural painting. Idem painted sculpture.Paintings on amphoras and glasses.Paintings on vessels from Athens.Greek Art. Attempt funeral in Stelen. Fragment of a frisco.Ceramics. Ornaments on vases.Corinthian capital of the Lisícrates Memorial (Lisícrates lantern) in Athens.Doric Capital in Paestum.Decorative Figure on an amphora of Naples museum.Vase and painted clay.Caryatid of Erejteyon.Bronze helmet with ornate hair and feather crest. Greek Ancient TimesGreek lady from SicilyDorian Chiton.Amazon on horse from greek vaseStatue of Ceres, or IrisSatyrBust of a BacchanteA SphinxHermaphrodite Warrior, Minerva and DianaGreek Lady seated with her umbrellaAncient Greek weaponsPtolemaic Kings and Queens HeaddressGrecian Females dancingFemale flute playerTelesphorus and HygeiaGrecian femaleGrecian head-dressGrecian head-dressGrecian head-dressGrecian head-dressGrecian head-dressGrecian Head DressGrecian Head DressGrecian Head DressGrecian Head DressGrecian Head Dress
Nefertiti was the main wife (Great Royal Wife) of the king (Pharaoh) Akhenaten (Amenophis IV.) and lived in the 14th century BC. Her name Neferet-iti means “Beauty has come” and is written from the 5th year of Echnaton’s reign with the surname Nefer-neferu-Aton (“Beauty are the beauties of Aton”) in a cartoucheBronze cat of the Saïte age. Barrere Collection.26th dynasty (664-525 B.C. “Saïtian” dynasty in relation to Saïs and the time of the domination of this city in ancient Egypt)The Great Royal Wife of the Pharaoh with noble women.King of Egypt with court official and servant.EGYPTIAN ART. DECORATIVE PAINTINGS.EGYPTIAN ART. JEWELLERY.Plate 10. Ancient Egypt PriestessPlate 8. Ancient Egyptian QueenBust and head of Princess Nefret (Cairo, Museum). Neferetiabet was a princess of the ancient Egyptian 4th Dynasty (approx. 2613 to 2494 BC.). Her exact classification is not quite certain, but she was probably a daughter of Pharaoh Cheops.Plate 7. EGYPTIAN DECORATIONPlate 9. Ancient Egypt DecorationPlate 6. Thuthu, Wife of AniPlate V. Ani, A Scribe.Plate 2, Ancient Egyptian QueenPlate 4. The God OsirisPlate 1. Ancient Egyptian GoddessLate Antique Fabrics from Egypt.Plate 3, Egyptian dress decorationHall of State. In the Palace of an Egyptian NomarchEgyptian house after Auguste Racinet.Alethe, Priestess of Isis.Colossal figures in the front of the great temple of Abu Simbel Egypt, by David Roberts 1838Front elevation of the great temple of Abu Simbel Egypt, by David Roberts 1838Wall Paintings Thebes. Egyptian Art. Pharaoh crownsAssyrian and Egyptian CharriotsPainting: Plants & Flowers, drawn from various monuments.Old Egyptian lotus and papyrus ornamentsPainting: Bouquets painted in the tombs (19th & 20th dynasties.)Fan of feathers. Feather jewelry for decoration of horses. Pharaoh headdresses. Insignia of officers. Papyrus plants. Oars boat decorated with lotus and the divine eye.Ornaments from graves of Karnak, Thebes, Saqqara, sarcophagus decorations.The ornaments taken from sarcophaguses of pharaohs as they are in the Louvre in Paris.Capitals of the great pillars of the Temple of Luxor, Thebes, from the time of Amunophs III., 1250 BCCapitals of the great pillars of the Temple of Luxor and the Temple of Philae.Column capital of PhilaeRope ornaments of royal robes, ornaments of armor and mummy cases.The ornaments are paintings of tombs from different parts of Egypt. They correspond to fabric samples or straw mats and on them were kings.Ornaments of tombs in Thebes, KarnakPortrait of Prince Mantouhichopchf son of Ramses Miamun (XIXth. Dynasty)Portrait of Ramses Miamun (Ramses II. – Nineteenth Dynasty)Iconic group of Tai (Ti) and his wife. Necropolis of Memphis (Fifth Dynasty)Offering flowers & fruit (Necropolis of Thebes – XIXe.dynastie)Writer, painted red limestone.The goddess Anouke & Ramses II (Talmis – nineteenth dynasty.)Reduction of a sketch representing Seti I (Necropolis of Thebes. – 19th Dynasty)Length portrait of Ramses III (necropolis of Thebes – Twentieth Dynasty.)Painting: Portrait of Queen Nebto daughter of Ramesses II Miamun (nineteenth dynasty.)Painting: Player of mandore (Nécrolpole Thebes – Eighteenth Dynasty.).Painting: Portrait of Pharaoh Merenptah (Necropolis of Thebes – 19th dynasty.)Painting: Back of hunting (Necropolis of Thebes – 17th dynasty.)Painting: Return of the boat hunter (Beni Hasan – Twelfth Dynasty.)Painting: Native of Punt (Thebes: El-Assacif – 17th dynasty.).Sculpture: Types & portraits (ladies of various periods).Sculpture: Studies of heads from the canon of proportion (workshops Memphis and Thebes)Sculpture: Types & portraits (senior officials from various periods).Chariot relating to a prince. (Tell el-Amarna – 18th dynasty.)Sculpture: Fighting Ramses Miamun against the Khitas on the banks of the Orontes (Thebes – Ramesseum – 19th dynasty.)Amenhotep on the lap of a goddessWinged Figure. Isis or NephthysTai-Ti, Queen of Amenhotep III.Ancient Egyptian FabricsAncient Egyptian FabricsCeiling pattern of a Theban tomb of the XV. Century BCThe Inner Temple view of Philae.Isis Temple on the island of Philae. “House of the beginning”.Adornments and weapons of the ancient EgyptiansAncient Egyptians in the fightCourtly Music and Furnishings of Ancient EgyptCostumes of the ancient EgyptiansCostumes of the ancient EgyptiansAncient Egyptian mirrors and vesselsThe Tempel of Luxor
Statue of HadrianStatue of Ceres, or IrisSeptimus SeverusBust of MinervaBust of JunoAncient Roman CostumesRoman CostumesGreco Roman CultureGreco Roman cultureGreco-Roman art, depicting gods and objectsAncient Greco-Roman warriors, gods and objectsRoman Artefacts. Daggers, Axe, Pottery, Jug.Roman Military InsigniaRoman jewelry hairstyle, footwearRoman armor, shields, weapons, helmets, sandals, music instruments, jewelry, furniture.Battle between the Romans and the Dacians.Roman Shields, Scutum, Aspidai.Lorica SquamataLaminated LoricaRoman HelmetsRoman General. Abdominal Cuirass with lambrequins. Roman armed emperor.Roman Orator in sleeveless tunic.Roman in sleeved tunic and female in tunica recta.Roman Scutum ShieldsRoman in long-sleeved tunic.Noble Roman women, slaveRoman Emperor, Lictor, SenatorGermanic mercenaries, Roman generalRoman officers Warrior, Minerva and DianaHerodias (8 BC to 39 AD). Divorced wife of Herodes Boethos.Roman gladiator helmetsGreco Roman Pompeii. Satyr Performing masksRoman Palace after Auguste Racinet.Antique Helmet of bronze, found at Ribchester, England. Source: History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster by Edward WhattonAntigone and IsmeneMarc Antony and the Dead Cæsar.THE ARMING OF ROMAN SOLDIERS AND GLADIATORS AFTER THE LAST PERIOD OF THE REPUBLIC.Gallic Roman temple in honor of Augustus in 1st century A.C. at Lugdunum.Roman legionaryThe same figure from behind.Roman hairstyles and head-dresses.Roman helmetMinerva helmetMinerva helmetMinerva helmet