Italian Renaissance Fabrics 15th century. XV Century. Italian school. Two tone fabric. In the Louvre. According to John Fisole (Fra Angelico). XV Siècle. École Italienne. Grandeur d’execution. Au museum du Louvre.… Read More
Category: Middle Ages
Middle Ages costumes and fashion. Period between 700 to 15th century. Style of Byzantine, Carolingian, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance.
Claude of France 1498-1524, Queen of France, from the House of Valois.
Claude of France. La Reine Claude, 1ère Femme du Roi Francois Ier, d´après Gaignières, Née En 1498, Morte En 1524.
Nobleman in Spanish court dress 16th century
Nobleman in Spanish court dress in the Reign of Charles IX 1572. Renaissance period. “Modes et Costumes Historiques“. Drawing by Xavier Willemin. Edited and steel engraving by Hippolyte Louis Emile and Polidor… Read More
Lady of the French Court in Spanish fashion 1579.
Lady of the French Court in Spanish fashion. Reign of Charles IX 1579. “Modes et Costumes Historiques“. Drawing by Xavier Willemin. Edited and steel engraving by Hippolyte Louis Emile and Polidor… Read More
A Doctor from France in the Reign of Charles VIII., 1493
A Doctor, Reign of Charles VIII., 1493. Médecin, Règne de Charles VIII, d’après un Manuscrit du Temps, 1493.
French medieval shepherdess costume
French medieval shepherdess costume 15th century “Modes et Costumes Historiques“. Drawing by Xavier Willemin. Edited and steel engraving by Hippolyte Louis Emile and Polidor Jean Charles Pauquet. Published by Cassell, Petter… Read More
Lady of Rank in ceremonial robe. Reign Of Charles VII, 1460.
Dame de Qualité, Règne de Charles VII, d´après Gaignières, 1460
French lady’s, chamber maid. Chambrine le règne de Charles VII
Chambrine le règne de Charles VII de France
Lady with hennin. Parisian fashion 1450
Modes De Paris, Règne De Charles VII, d’après Gaignières, 1450
Medieval women costume in the reign of Charles the Bald.
Carolingian Costume of a Noble Women in the reign of Charles the Bald (823-877).