German Girls fashion. Child and Teen costumes 1940s.
German Girls fashion. Vintage Child and Teen costumes in 1940s.
The contents of this site are original costumes kids fashion drawings from the 40’s in Germany. It falls on the girl’s fashion, the year to 12, is very much geared to the adults. What is the former cultural situation in Germany owed. The National Socialist regime in Germany advocated a certain type of person. This classification covering both genders and people of all ages.
The ideal, in National Socialist propaganda, a true German type also included selection of genuine German name. Strange names were seen as critical of the regime and were not tolerated. This is probably why each of the shown mode sheets provided with the children’s names. Firstly, it is suggested that these are pictures of real people, and secondly, to serve as a model.
These costumes images show a wealth of detail. For fashion lovers, in particular, the small cross-sectional images of the dresses. Add the little situational sceneries come in which the models are embedded. Whether toys from this era or decorations they provide useful data to an idealized life of that time.
As much material from those German epoch is hard to find, usually stored in archives, we are happy to show these rare historical documents here on world4.
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