Russia Siberia Chukchi family in 19th century. Famille Tschiuktsches. Gallery: Asian costumes by Auguste Wahlen. Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world.
Traditional Siamese Thailand costume in 19th century.
Traditional Siamese Thailand costume in 19th century. Siamois. Gallery: Asian costumes by Auguste Wahlen. Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world.
Russia Kazakhstan Tatars Family in 19th century.
Russia Katschines Tartar Family in 19th century. Kazakhstan Tatars. Famille Tartare Katschentses. Les peuples de race mongole. Noble Persan. Asia. Gallery: Asian costumes by Auguste Wahlen. Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples… Read More
Russian Unangan soldier. Aleutian Islands costume.
Russian Unangan soldier. Aleutian Islands tribe clothing in 19th century. Eleuthe. Asie. Gallery: Asian costumes by Auguste Wahlen. Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world.
Pelerine with little silk hat. Romantic era costume 1836.
Pelerine with little silk hat. Romantic era costume 1836. Chapeau de peu de soie. Veile de tulle; Robe de mousseline de laine. Pelerine de mousseline brodée. Chapeau de peu de… Read More
Men costumes. Romanticism fashion, 1839.
Men costumes. Romanticism, 1839.
Man’s suit. Romantic era costumes. La Mode 1838.
Man’s suit, Romantic era costumes. La Mode 1838. Costume d’homme de chez Mr Drapier, 32, rue Saint-Roch. Coiffure de Mr Delignou, 27, Place de la Bourse. Mantelet de chez Mr.… Read More
Noble Persian in 1840. Iran 19th century costume.
Noble Persian costume in 1840. Noble Persan. Asia.
Persian Gunner. Canonnier Persan.
Persian Gunner.
Old Persia costume. Man of the People.
Old Persia costume. Man of the People in 1840. Perse. Homme du Peuple. Gallery: Asian costumes by Auguste Wahlen. Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world.