Offensive, defensive armour and weapons.
Armour, swords, arbalest, weapons of honor, firearms. Ancient, Asia, Middle ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Empire.
Closed helmet with visor. 1500-1550. Armor of the sixteenth century. Italian Armory from Turin. 16th century. 17th Century Helmet. Venetian manufactures. Antique Helmet of bronze, found at Ribchester, England. Source: History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster by Edward Whatton Bronze helmet with ornate hair and feather crest. Greek Ancient Times Helmet of Muhammad XII. the last Moorish king 1459 – 1518 ? The Schaller. Helmet and neck cover (beard hood)- 1460 – 1500. 15th century. 1. Capeline – 2. Morion – 3/6. Casque à visière et autres’. Roman gladiator helmets Sword and Rapier, British Isles. Bronze age French knight armor. Enlarged drawing of armour from hall door Arms and Armour in the Meyrick Collection at South Kensington Bust of Minerva Soldato Troiano e Amazzoni
16th Century German Armor Sword 16th Century Accessories firearms and offensive weapons, XVI century. French Guards swords handles 18th century. Swords of Honor 18th Century. Half Armor German, 16th century German blackened steel armor, 16th Century. Armor of Louis XIV. Japanese warrior Japanese Samurai Swords Japanese warrior armor Japanese warrior armor Ornamented Weapons from East India. J.B. Waring’s “MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART & SCULPTURE” published by Day & Son in London in 1863. Dedicated to her Majesty, the Queen. Suit of Henry VIII. Presented by the Emperor Maximilian. Tower of London. Anelace. 15th century. Armet. From the Mayrick Collection. Arbalestiers. Arbalest with Moulinet or Windlass bending it. Italian Captain 1490 Persian general 15th century Knights in armor jousting. Knights jousting tournament Knights jousting tournament Knights tournament Knights jousting tournament Knights jousting tournament Knights jousting tournament Knights jousting tournament Carolingian King, Military Leader, Knight in armor, Citizen Knight in armor, Bishop, Priest and Burgess. German Knight in armor and princess 1530. Knight in Armor and Nobel Women, 1450. Charles II the Bald Grecian helmet Minerva helmet Greece combatants Grecian helmet Grecian helmet Grecian helmet Syrian helmet Ancient Greek weapons Adornments and weapons of the ancient Egyptians Ancient Egyptians in the fight Babylonians and Assyrians weapons Babylonians and Assyrians Ceremonial and War Costumes of the ancient Egyptians Babylonians and Assyrians Japan Court warrior Japan Court warrior Gallic warrior in armor 400 – 200 B.C. Gallic Warrior 400 – 200 B.C. Roman legionary in full armor. Roman legionary in full armor. Roman legionary in full armor Merovingian warrior Merovingian warrior Hoplite 600 B.C. (Front) Hoplite 600 B.C. (Side) Warrior from the Frankish Carolingian period. 9th to 10th century. Warrior from the Frankish Carolingian period. 9th to 10th century. War costumes in the Middle Ages. Flags, banners, standards.