Traditional clothing of Hindus. Brahmin, Konkanastha Caste. Rajpoot or Rajput. Pasce, Low Caste Hindu. Brahmin Pundit. Kamathi Woman. A Soodra of Tailanga.
Category: 19th Century
Chinese and Cochin Chinese in their typical costumes
The Comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World.
An Inhabitant of the Isle of Symi (Sömbeki).
It has been remarked before, that the dress of the women in many of these Islands was extremely picturesque and becoming. The present, perhaps, is only partially so, on account of the concealment of the lower part of the face
Reis Effendi. Minister for Foreign affairs. Ottoman Empire.
Secretary at State, high Chancellor of the Empire, and Minister for Foreign affairs.
Roman Costumes by Bartolomeo Pinelli. Women of Tivoli.
“Roman Costumes”. Drawing by Bartolomeo Pinelli (1781-1835). Engraving by C. Hullmandel. Published by Rodwell & Martin, London.
Teutons, North Germans clothing
Teutons, North Germans clothing. Caucasian Race
Traditional Lapps and Eskimo dresses.
Mongol Race – Lapps and Inuits clothing. From left: 1.2. Swedish Lapps. 3.4. Norwegian Lapps. 5.6. Inuits from Victoria Land. 7. Inuits from Cape Barrow. Source: The Comprehensive Atlas and… Read More
Dame indienne en tenue traditionnelle du 19e siècle
Indian lady in traditional dress from the 19th century. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
A man from Kabul.
A man from Kabul. The accompanying picture represents a native of Kabul, and the dress is typical of that worn by most Afghans. Those who visit the larger Indian towns… Read More
The Marwari or Marwadi. Indian Rajasthan character.
The Marwadi are an Indian ethnic group that originate from the Rajasthan Jodhpur region of India