Privat secretary to the turkish sultan. Ottoman Empire official.
Category: Asia
Costume and fashion history of Asia. Manners and Customs. Collected from rare sources.
A female of the island of Naxos. Ottoman Empire ethnic groups.
The inhabitants of Naxos have been remarked even from the earliest times for their love of liberty.
Topchis soldier of the Ottoman Empire infantry.
Besides the regular and constant soldiers, comprehended under the classes of Janissaries and Spahis, there are several others.
A Member of the Divan. Ottoman Empire officials.
A Member of the Divan. This plate represents one of the other ten members. Higher-ranking Ottoman administrative official, member of the Divan.
Turban bearer. The guarding of the turkish Sultan’s turbans.
Turban bearer – Official responsible for the guarding of the Sultan’s turbans.
Sword Bearer to the Ottoman Sultans. Selictár Agá.
Life guard cavalryman, weapon bearer, stirrup holder, Sultan’s sword bearer.
A Greek Sailor in the service of the Ottoman Sultan.
The thirty-first Odah (regiment, chamber) of the Janissaries, whose symbol is an anchor, is employed in the sea service.
Woman with child. Traditional Japanese clothing in 1920.
Postcard. Japanese woman with doll or children. Traditional Japanese clothing and hairstyle from c. 1920th.