A young Bedouin with Kufiyya, Jilbab and jacket. Nubian slave girl wearing a caftan over a light of woolen dress. Egyptian woman in street clothing.
Category: Egypt
Traditional Egyptian costumes. Arabian women`s and men`s clothing from the middle east. Ottoman Empire Period dresses.
Ancient Ptolemaic and their Queens. Headdresses and crowns.
Different Ptolemaic and their Queens. Headdresses and crowns. Successors of Alexander the Great.
Almeh a class of courtesans or female entertainers in Arab Egypt.
Almeh was the name of a class of courtesans or female entertainers in Arab Egypt. The term became synonymous with ‘belly dancer’ in 19th-century European Orientalism.
A Nubian from Egypt smokes a pipe in 1850.
Egypt. Nubian in traditional dress from 1850 smokes a pipe. In the army and in police service, the Nubians played a major role at all times.
Traditional Arabian Women from Cairo. Ottoman Empire.
AN EGYPTIAN ARAB. Arabian Women from Cairo. Ottoman Empire.
A Bedouin Arab in the vicinity of Alexandria. Ottoman Empire.
THIS singular body of Arabs never inhabit any town, but constantly live under tents.