Italian fashion of the 16th century. Modes Italiennes. Époque de Henry III.

Modes, Italiennes, Italy, Napolitan, Pisa, Florentine, fashion, costumes, Renaissance, Nobility, court dress
Italian fashion of the 16th century. Modes Italiennes

Italian fashion of the 16th century. Period of Henry III.

  • Fig. 2331. Shews a Neapolitan lady in full dress. A plaited ruffle surrounds the neck, a pearl neck lace comes down over the breast. An embroidered mantle folds and covers the arms, which pass freely through a vertical slit. One hand holds a handkerchief, and the other a fan made of ostrich plumes..
  • Fig. 2332. Also shows the back of a Neapolitan lady, more simply dressed.
  • Fig. 2333. Is a lady of Pisa in a rich and effective costume.
  • Fig. 2334. A Florentine noble man wrapped in a cloak which reminds one a little of the ancient chlamys.

Source: Modes Italiennes. Époque de Henry III. DApres Jacques Boissard


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