The paintings of the Bushmen in South Africa by Dr. Otto Mosaik. Berlin 1910. Edited by Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Fosen).
Parisian costumes of the 18th century. Ragpicker. Water carrier.
Porteur d’eau. Marchant de melons. Chiffonnière. Marchande de Plaisirs. Costumes de Paris.
Moravian costume. Exhibition of the Austrian Government.
Moravian costume. Exhibition of the Austrian Government. Moravian costume at the Expo Exhibition of the Austrian Government 1837. Costume de Moravie. Exposition du Gouvernement Autrichien.
Formal dress of the rococo mid-18th century. Epoch of Marie Antoinette.
Elégante avec la robe à grand panier, Abbé mondain en 1760. Jeunes gens en costumes de chasse et de promenade en 1760.
Costume designs of the Hungarian Homes Group 1837
Costume designs of the Hungarian Homes Group, in the Expo Park. Hungarian Homes Group costume, Expo Vienna 1837. Costume dessine au groupe des Maisons Hongroises, dans le Parc de l’Exposition.
John Viscount Beaumont K.G. Earl of Boulogne.
John Viscount Beaumont K.G. Earl of Boulogne 1430. Courtier of the reign of King Henry VI. supposed to represent John Viscount Beaumont K.G. Earl of Boulogne. Constable and Lord High… Read More
Anton Fugger. Prince of merchants, 16th century.
Anton Fugger was beside Jakob Fugger the most important member of this family
Uniforms of Independent Company Organizations.
Uniforms of Independent Company Organizations. American Revolutionary War. Uniforms of the United States Army 1774 to 1889 by Henry Alexander Ogden.
Ballroom dresses in 1762. Rococo costumes of Paris.
Costume de bal en 1762. Costumes de Paris. Paris à travers les siècles.
Iron gloves, gauntlets from the palace of Count Törring Jettenbach.
Iron gloves, gauntlets (1460-1500) from the palace of Count Törring Jettenbach-Jettenbach, Germany.