The Temples of Baalbek in Lebanon. Egypt and Palestine by Francis Frith
Tag: Francis Frith
Francis Frith, sometimes Frances Frith, (1822-1898) was an English photographer who became famous for his photographs of the Orient and many British cities.
The town and lake of Tiberias from the north.
The view is taken from a point immediately above the north-west corner of Tiberias.
Triumphal arch across the ravine leading to Petra.
Near the mouth of the chasm El Sik (Bab as-Sīq, Gateway to the Siq), an Arch, at a considerable height, connects the rocks on either side.
Nablous, the ancient Shechem, one of the oldest cities in Palestine.
View of one of the oldest and most interesting Canaanite cities in Palestine. Nablous contains some fine fragments of its former grandeur.
Historical views of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.
The view is extensive beyond the city, commanding the plain of Jericho, and, on the east, the valley of the Jordan, and a portion of the Dead Sea.
The Mosque of Omar, on the Ancient Site of the Temple at Jerusalem.
A view of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem. A group of worshippers at the site of a temple, with Mosque of Omar in the distance.
Bethlehem. Historical views and description of its sites.
The town of Bethlehem and its surroundings depicted and described in the travelogues of David Roberts and Luigi Mayer in the 19th century.
The Approach to the Island of Philae, Egypt, from the North.
The Approach to Philae is one of the few views which a photograph can render without, perhaps, greatly detracting from its artistic fame.
Distant view of Damascus, from the village of Salihiye. Syria.
The elevation, shortly after the traveler leaves the village of Salihiyeh being sufficient to give him a splendid range of vision.
Convent of Mar Saba. The Holy Laura of Saint Sabbas. Palestine.
Mar Saba, the Sabas Monastery, Saint Laura of Saint Sabbas, is a Greek Orthodox monastery in the Kidron Valley in the Judah Desert, 12 km east of Bethlehem.