The origin of the Corset. The Corset and the Crinoline.
Category: Israel
King Richard and the third crusade. The Knights of english history.
The Exploits of King Richard I. the Third Crusade. The siege of Acre. The third crusade.
The Dead Sea looking towards Moab April 4th 1839
The View is taken from one of the hills of Engedi, immediately above the Convent of St. Saba
Jerusalem. S. Pelagias Tomb on the Mount of Olives.
Jerusalem. Plan and section of S. Pelagias Tomb on the Mount of Olives by Ermete Pierotti.
The Laura of Mar Saba near the Dead Sea.
Nine and a half miles, on horseback, from Jerusalem in the unique grandeur of its situation (the Wilderness of Engedi, near the Dead Sea), the Laura of Mar Saba…
Early monastic life and the controversy over icons.
Two groups of poets, living in the seclusion of two monasteries were particularly involved in the dispute when at its height.
Jerusalem. The Cotton Merchants’ Market. Suq al-Qattanin.
One of the entrances to the temple area within which stands the Mosque of Omar.
The immersion of the pilgrims in the Jordan River
In this View Achmet Aga, the Governor of Jerusalem, with a part of his Arab guard, occupy the foreground.
Palestine. Herdsmen and christian woman in Bethlehem costume.
Palestine is a confusion of modern and ancient, a conglomeration of Moslems, Christians, and Jews of all sects and types, a babble of tongues, a wild array of costumes.
Samaria the ancient Capital of the Kingdom of Israel.
Group of horseriders on a plateau overlooking a landscape with the city of Sebaste, formely Samaria.