Explanation of the six sentences written on the finger joints.
Tag: Mythology
Cipher representing the three blessings. Chinese superstitions.
Happiness, emolument and longevity: Fuh-luh-show
The character Shou, Longevity. Chinese superstitions.
Artistic cipher, representing the character shou 壽, Longevity.
Charm conferring peace and felicity. Chinese superstitions.
The annexed is a peace-conferring charm, and is commonly styled P‘ing-ngan-fu.
The apotheosis of Augustus.
Apotheosis was the name for a ceremony performed by the Romans to admit emperors, empresses or other mortals to the ranks of the gods or heroes.
The variety of Egyptian Ornaments.
The grammar of ornament by Owen Jones. The variety of ancient Egyptian ornaments and decorations.
The Fire-Fly’s Lovers. Fairy tale of old Japan
The fairy tale of Princess Hotaru-himé.
The “floating” Torii gate at Miyajima, Japan
The “floating” Torii gate at Miyajima or Itskushima (“Island of Light”)
Tatsu. The Dragon. Mythological Japan.
A fitting representation of power, symbolical of sovereignty, mysterious and omnipotent in its influence, is Tatsu
Benten, Goddess of Matrimony, of Music, of the Sea.
Benten, or Benzaiten, is one of the Seven Divinities of Good Fortune. Patron of the family and of the sea.