Art deco lace dresses by Charles F. Worth.

Lace dresses. Le style parisien. Art deco fashion magazine. French parisiennes collection haute couture.

Lace dresses – Robes Lacées. Worth, Martial et Armand.

Art deco lace dresses by Charles F. Worth and Martial & Armand. Plate IX.

Robes Lacées. Le style parisien 1915. 

  • (Worth) Dress in the blue serge trimmed with chenille embroidery of matching shade, the front laced in black velvet over a bright violet satin waistcoat.
  • (Worth). Dress in black velvet, front and border of the skirt in black corded silk, gold braid and tassels.
  • (Martial & Armand). Dress in mole corded silk, the bottom of the skirt and the collar are in velvet to match. The gimp is veiled in mole chiffon, likewise the lower part of the sleeves. Collar and piece beneath the arm in lace ” lamé ” with gold; at the back and on either side three roses embroidered in blue and gold; lacing in silk cord to match.

Gallery: Le style parisien. Planche IX. Supplément du ” Style Parisian ” No 3. Le Directeur – Gérant: Lucien Vogel.

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