The monastery Mega Spileo is a monastery in Greece, located between the Gulf of Corinth and the small town of Kalavryta.
Category: 1821
Lake of Stymphalos in Arcadia, Greece.
According to legend, Stymphalos was only settleable after Heracles killed the crane-sized Stymphalian birds with his bow and arrow
Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae on Mount Kotylion in Arcadia.
The view from the Temple of Apollo Epicurius is particularly attractive, from the beauty of the lines and the interest of the objects.
The celebrated plain of Olympia in Greece.
Olympia was the sanctuary of Zeus in Elis in the northwest of the Peloponnese peninsula. It was the venue of the Olympic Games of antiquity.
The Gate of the Lions of the ancient city of Mycenae, Greece.
The Gate of the Lions was the principal entrance to the acropolis of Mycenae and is located in the northwest of the fortified complex.
Village of Portaria on Mount Pelion, Greece.
The poetical fancy of the ancient Greeks has left the majestic elevation of Pelion surrounded with a never-fading glory of mythological wonders and classic charms.
The Temple of Jupiter Panhellenios in the island of Aegina.
Aegina, Greece: Temple of Aphaea. It is probably one of the most ancient temples in Greece.
Athens viewed from the foot of the mountain Anchesmos.
The town seen from north-east towards the Saronic Gulf. Lykovounia also known as Tourkovounia, in ancient times called Anchesmos, is a range of hills in Attica
The magnificent Corinthian temple of Jupiter Olympios and the river Ilissos.
The magnificent Corinthian temple, on the northern side of the Ilissos, was begun by Pisistratos, and finished by Hadrian, who dedicated it to the divinity of Jupiter Olympios.
The ancient Entrance to the city of Athens
The ancient Entrance to the city of Athens near the Gate of Hadrian.