Return of the boat hunter (Beni Hasan – 12th Dynasty.)
Category: Egyptian
Ancient Egyptian costume, fashion,history, culture.
Native of Punt (Thebes: El-Assacif – 17th dynasty.).
Painting: Native of the country of Punt (Thebes: El-Assacif – XVII. dynasty).
Ancient Egypt hairstyles from various periods.
History of Egyptian Art. Types & portraits.
Ancient Egypt headdresses of ladies of various epochs.
Ancient Egypt headdresses of ladies of different epochs. Sculpture: Types & portraits (ladies of various ages). Sculpture: Types & portraits (dames de diverses époques). From the book: Histoire de l’art… Read More
Egyptian player of mandore. Necropolis of Thebes.
Egyptian Painting: Player of mandore (Necropolis of Thebes. – Eighteenth Dynasty.). Peinture: Joueuse de mandore. Nécrolpole de Thèbes – XVIIIe. dynastie.
Ancient Egypt Queen Nebto daughter of Ramses Miamun
Portrait of Ancient Egypt Queen Nebto daughter of Ramesses II Miamun (19th dynasty.)
Ancient Egypt fighting pharaoh Ramses II Miamun.
Fighting Ramses Miamun against the Khitas on the banks of the Orontes
Pharaoh Seti I. Necropolis of Thebes.
Reduction of a sketch representing Seti I. (Thebes Necropolis – XIX. dynasty)
Ramses III (Necropolis of Thebes – 20th Dynasty.)
Length portrait of Ramses III (Necropolis of Thebes – 20th Dynasty.)
Ancient Egypt goddess Anouke & Pharaoh Ramses II
Sculpture: La déesse Anouké & Ramsès II (Talmis – XIXe. dynastie) (1878).