One of the Envoy’s Jelowdar. A person who leads and looks after a horse on the road.
Category: Asia
Costume and fashion history of Asia. Manners and Customs. Collected from rare sources.
A Loto Seree at the Court of Amarapoorah.
A Loto Seree at the Court of Amarapoorah, Rangoon Burma.
The Prince of Loo Choo. Okinawa Japan.
The Prince of Loo Choo. Ryukyu Islands. Shō-Dynastie. Okinawa Japan.
A Nakhan at the Court of Amarapoorah
A Nakhan at the Court of Amarapoorah, Rangoon Burma.
Spicimens of Turkish Drawings. Costume of Turkey.
Spicimens of Turkish Drawings. Ottoman Empire
Persian House and street clothes. Iran 18th century.
Usi e Costumi. Antichi e Moderni di Tutti Popoli del Mondo. Narrati e descritti da L. Bellinzoni. Editore Perino. Roma, 1900.
Darius III and Courtiers. Persia 350 BC.
Darius III and Courtiers Asia Tempi Antichi. Persia. Dario III E Cortigiani.
Cyrus II of Persia on the Battle Field.
Cyrus II of Persia Born around 590 BC to 580 BC; died August 530 BC. Asia Tempi Antichi. Persia. Ciro sul campo di Battaglia.
Hindu Asamese. The Moamariah. Ethnology of Bengal.
Moamariahs are not all of the same caste or race; but the majority are Ahoms.
Group of Mizhu or Mizu Mishmis Tribe. Ethnology of Bengal.
Of the Mishmi tribe who are in habits of intercourse with Asam, the Miju or Mizhu live in the farthest East.