The Strada maggiore is a street leading from the gate of the same name to the centre of the city
Category: 1816
The ancient Greek city of Posidonia or Paestum in Magna Graecia.
Percy Bysshe Shelley in Italy. Temple of Neptune at Paestum. Letter from Naples. The Year 1818.
Buddhist Priest and Gentleman of Loo choo. Japan.
Ryukyu Islands. Shō-Dynastie. Known as the Great Loo-Choo Island, Okinawa Japan.
Okinawa, Japan. Loo Choo Chief and his Two Sons.
Okinawa, Japan. Loo Choo Chief and his Two Sons.
Korean Chief and his Secretary 1816
Korean Chief and his Secretary.
Gentleman of Loo Choo in his Cloak. Japan 1816.
Gentleman of Loo Choo in his Cloak
The Prince of Loo Choo. Okinawa Japan.
The Prince of Loo Choo. Ryukyu Islands. Shō-Dynastie. Okinawa Japan.
Fitted dress with silk pants. Regency era.
Fitted dress with silk pants. Costume parisien 1816. Habit de Drap. Culotte de Soie. Bas à Mailles coulées. Journal des dames et des modes. Costumes parisien 1816. France Restoration era. England Georgian… Read More
Naples hat. Straw, cornette, crepe hats, 1816.
Naples hat. Straw, cornette, crepe hats. Romantic era 1816.
Regency merino dress with Velvet hat, 1816.
Regency merino dress with Velvet hat, 1816. Chapeau de Velours sur une Cornette de Culle. Robe de Mérinos.