Many Persian families who have settled permanently in India and to some extent have adopted the dress of their new compatriots.
Category: Asia
Costume and fashion history of Asia. Manners and Customs. Collected from rare sources.
A Jewish priest from Bagdad. The Sassoon family in India.
There are a considerable number of Jews in Bombay, and the richest family in all India, The Sassoon, are Bagdad Jews.
Persian female. Historical city or theatre costumes.
Costumes historiques de ville ou de théatre et travestissements.
A Parsee Lady in walking costume with the mathabana over the hair.
In the walking costume, however, the sari, or outside garment, is passed round the shoulders and over the top of the head, so that the mathabana is unobserved, and the tout ensemble is then very graceful.
Brahman Lady. Indian women who wear the most brilliant costumes.
Indian women who wear the most brilliant costumes. It is against the custom of the higher castes to be photographed at all, and none are more so than Hindus.
Mahratta Brahman. The Brahman in Hindu society.
Very many members of this caste become ascetics, and wander from town to town, accepting such alms as may be given them, but asking nothing.
Bali Legong dance. Woman dancing the secular dance.
Bali Legong dance. Woman dancing the secular dance. The Legong is a dance that originated on the Indonesian island of Bali. The dance ensemble can include up to five dancers.… Read More
Sumatra Pencak costume. Popular dance and martial arts.
Pencak Silat is often accompanied of music like many Southeast Asian martial arts
Dame de cour chinoise. Chinese Court Lady of the Imperial Period
Costume of a Chinese Court Lady of the Imperial Period. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Female dress from Persia. Historical costume. 19th century.
Costumes historiques de ville ou de théatre et travestissements.