Carinthia woman costume at Carinthian Brewery. Carinthia woman at Carinthian Brewery in the Expo Park. 1st May to 2nd November 1873 in Vienna.
Category: Austria
The return of the Partisan around Innsbruck. 19th century.
The return of the Partisan around Innsbruck. Le return du Partisan environs de Innsbruck.
Tyrolean butter merchant from Joux Valley.
Tyrolean butter merchant from Joux Valley. Marchand de beurre. De la vallée de Dux.
Traditional Tyrol costumes 1850s.
Traditional Tyrol costumes 1850s. Gallery: Les nations. Album des Costumes De Tous les Pays. Par Alexandre Lacauchie. Paris. Maison Martinet. Haute Cœur frères 41, Rue Vivienne et 146, Rue de Rivoli… Read More
Young farmer from Obermais, Merano, South Tyrol.
Young farmer from Obermais, Merano, South Tyrol 1875. Gallery: “Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887.
Girl folk dress from Schönna near Merano, South Tyrol.
Girl folk dress from Schönna near Merano, South Tyrol 1875. Gallery: “Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887.
Woman in winter costume from Montafun, Vorarlberg.
Woman in winter costume from Montafun, Vorarlberg 1875. Traditional Austrian folk dress. Gallery: “Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887.
Bridesmaid costume from Vorarlberg, Austria 1875
Bridesmaid costume from Vorarlberg, Austria 1875 Bridesmaid (Schäppelmeiggi) from Vorarlberg in Montafun, Austria 1875.
Cabbage cutter from Vorarlberg, Tyrol Austria 1879
Cabbage cutter from Montafun Vorarlberg Austria 1879.
Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Guelderian Wars. 16th century.
Costume cavalcade, has held by members of the Leidsch Studenten Corps, at 24th of June 1890, commemmorating the 300th anniversary of Leyden University, re-living the State-entry of Emperor Charles V (1500-1558), into Nijmegen municipality, the Netherlands, 9th February 1546.