Chasuble. Liturgical vestment. Albanian embroidery on a twelfth-century Byzantine dalmatica.
Category: Balkans
The Culture of the Balkan Peninsula
Exterior view of the Treasury of Atreus, Mycenae, Greece.
A space of twenty feet in breadth, between two parallel walls, leads to the Treasury of Atreus.
The Hyperian Fountain at Pherae of Magnesia, Thessaly, Greece.
Mosque at the famous Messeis spring of Kefalovryso, the Hyperian fountain of antiquity, at todays Velestino (ancient Pherae).
Sepulchre of Hassan Baba at the entrance of the vale of Tempe.
The Hasan Baba Tekke was a dervish gathering house, operated by the philosophical Bektashi order in the Tempi Valley, Greece.
The Katabathron of Lake Kopais in Boeoti, Greece.
Lake Kopais, also spelled Copais or Kopaida, was a lake in the ancient landscape of Boeotia in Greece, and already in ancient times attempts were made to drain the lake completely.
Mount Olympus as seen between Larissa and Baba, Greece.
Mount Olympus is the highest mountain range in Greece. Its southern side, which is represented in this view, constitutes the boundary of Thessaly
Monastery of Mega Spileo in Arcadia, Greece.
The monastery Mega Spileo is a monastery in Greece, located between the Gulf of Corinth and the small town of Kalavryta.
Lake of Stymphalos in Arcadia, Greece.
According to legend, Stymphalos was only settleable after Heracles killed the crane-sized Stymphalian birds with his bow and arrow
Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae on Mount Kotylion in Arcadia.
The view from the Temple of Apollo Epicurius is particularly attractive, from the beauty of the lines and the interest of the objects.
The celebrated plain of Olympia in Greece.
Olympia was the sanctuary of Zeus in Elis in the northwest of the Peloponnese peninsula. It was the venue of the Olympic Games of antiquity.