Serbian couple in folk costumes from Šumadija.
Category: Balkans
The Culture of the Balkan Peninsula
Historical costumes from Greece in 1850s.
Grecs. Les nations. Album des Costumes De Tous les Pays.
Traditional Hungary costumes 1850s.
Traditional Hungary costumes 1850s. Gallery: Les nations. Album des Costumes De Tous les Pays. Par Alexandre Lacauchie. Paris. Maison Martinet. Haute Cœur frères 41, Rue Vivienne et 146, Rue de Rivoli… Read More
Historical Romania costumes 1850s.
Romains. Les nations. Album des Costumes De Tous les Pays.
Woman in traditional costume from Shkodra Albania 1910s.
Woman in traditional costume from Shkodra Albania 1910s.
Gorale in folk dress from the Tatra Mountains, Hungary.
Gorale from the Tatra Mountains. Hungary around 1875. Gallery: “Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887.
Woman from Athens in traditional Greek folk dress.
Historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887.
Wallachian folk dress. Woman from Orsova, Hungary 1875.
Wallachian woman from Orsova, Hungary 1875. Gallery: “Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887.
Josef Pécsi Budapest. Costume Study 1911.
Josef Pécsi Budapest. Costume Study Embroidery.
Hungarian Cattle Guard Costume.
Hungarian Cattle Guard Costume. Cardeur de boeufs du Comitat de Biher. (Basse-Hongrie) Musée de Costumes 1860. Lithographie by A. Belin. Engraving by Laurent-François Guerdet.