First Empire. Turban de Fantaisie. Robe Garnie en Torsades. Costumes parisien 1804.
Category: First Empire
Short puffed sleeves costume. Guirlande de Mousse mêlée de fleurs.
Journal des dames et des modes. Costumes parisien 1798. Guirlande de Mousse mêlée de fleurs. Manches courtes, gonflées sur l’avant – bras. Ceinture, formée dun Ruban rayé, à carreaux.
Costume Parisien. Turkish Chiffon Dress. France Empire 1804.
French Empire fashion. Coiffure en Chou de Nattes. Robe de Mousseline Turque. Costume Parisien 1804.
Colerette, Pélerine, Straw hats. Journal des dames et des modes 1804.
Hat fashion during the First Empire. Journal des dames et des modes. Costumes parisien 1804.
Half-dressed suit. Costume Demi-Habillé. Costumes parisien 1804.
Costume Demi-Habillé. Journal des dames et des modes. Costumes parisien 1804. France First Empire fashion
Fashion history. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
Fashions under the First Empire. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
Part of the Allies entering Paris after Waterloo 1814.
The Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow, being anecdotes of the camp, court, clubs and society, 1810-1860.
Lady`s of the first empire by G. Boldoni
Lady`s of the First Empire by G. Boldoni. Premier Empire term for the period 1804 to 1814 and 1815 in the history of France. The monarchy initiated the slow liberalization of… Read More
French first empire modes under the Restoration 1814-1815.
French first empire modes under the Restoration. (Première Restauration 1814-1815) Les Modes sous la Restauration. From the Book: The Frenchwoman of the century; Fashions – Manners – Usages, by Octave Uzanne.… Read More
The Coquettes, Flirts of the First Empire 1804–1814.
The Coquettes, Flirts of the First Empire 1804–1814 (Napoleonic Empire). Les Coquettes du Premier Empire. Les Modes sous la Restauration. From the Book: The Frenchwoman of the century; Fashions –… Read More