Costume design by French couturier Marie-Louise Bruyère. Marie-Louise Bruyère (1918-1958), called Mme Bruyère (pronounced Broo-yair) was born in rural France, but her ambitious parents, Henri Bruyère and Jeanne Loubet, moved… Read More
Category: France
Company and friendship. The knight and the lady. 15th century.
Company and friendship. The knight and the lady. 15th century. XVe siècle en France. Compagnie et, amitié.
Anne de Bretagne. Duchess of Brittany, Queen of France.
Anne de Bretagne (1477-1514) Duchess of Brittany, Queen of France. Anne was the eldest daughter of Duke Francis II. of Brittany (1435-1488).
Clémence Isaure, Jeux Floraux of Toulouse
Clémence Isaure Clémence Isaure is a semi-legendary medieval character, who is credited with the foundation or restoration of Jeux Floraux of Toulouse. The legend says that Clémence Isaure born in 1464 in Toulouse,… Read More
Traditional Brittany costumes 1850s.
Traditional Brittany costumes 1850s. Gallery: Les nations. Album des Costumes De Tous les Pays. Par Alexandre Lacauchie. Paris. Maison Martinet. Haute Cœur frères 41, Rue Vivienne et 146, Rue de Rivoli… Read More
The ladies travel to see. Burgundy fashion 15th century.
The ladies travel to see. Burgundy fashion 15th century.
France Gothic medieval dresses, 15th century.
France Gothic medieval dresses, 15th century. Extracts from the Danse Macabre. Costumes of Jailor, Menestrel, Fool, Bourgeois, Beggar, Pilgrim, Shepherd.
French Farmer and villager, maid, fiddlers in 15th century.
French Farmer and villager, maid, fiddlers in 15th century. Dance of the Dead. Medieval burial scene. Gothic period, late medieval costumes. Laboureur et villageoise; Chambrière; Ménétriers. MS. à la Bibl. Imp. de… Read More
Louis-seize. Fabrics. French Silks hanging patterns.
The silks, the designs for which form the subject of our plate, all come from that branch of French manufacture to which Golbert, under Louis XIV, gave so powerful an impulse
German Biedermeier costumes 1850s.
German Biedermeier costumes 1850s.