Berlin Fashion of 1915. Photography by Karl Schenker.
Category: Art Deco
History of costumes and fashion during the the Art Deco period, short for french art décoratif.
Sleeping and dressing room of a lady. Interior design 1916.
Sleeping and dressing room of a lady 1916. Designed by Professor Josef Hoffmann, Vienna. Vienna Workshop. Josef Franz Maria Hoffmann (1870-1956) Austrian architect and designer. Together with Joseph Maria Olbrich,… Read More
Actress Erna Morena. German actress of the silent film period.
Erna Morena 1885-1962 was a German film actress, film producer and screenwriter of the silent film period.
Dark brown small four point hat. Autumn hat fashion 1915.
Dark brown small four point hat with ostrich feather edge. Autumn hat fashion 1915. Association for the Promotion of German Hat fashion Berlin.
Small black felt hat. Autumn hat fashion 1915.
Small black felt hat with a black crown heron. Autumn hat fashion 1915. Association for the Promotion of German Hat fashion Berlin.
Small black hat. Autumn hat fashion 1915.
Small black hat with dark blue wool skirt. Autumn hat fashion 1915. Association for the Promotion of German Hat fashion Berlin.
Iltis hat with brown velvet. Autumn hat fashion 1915.
Iltis hat (polecat) with brown velvet and metal florets. Autumn hat fashion 1915. Association for the Promotion of German Hat fashion Berlin.
Hunter. Sports Costumes of A. C. Steinhart.
Hunter. Sports Costumes of A. C. Steinhart. Drawing of Kreuscher. Styl, panel 10, Issue 5, 1922.
Blue velvet hat. Autumn hat fashion 1915.
Blue velvet hat with orange colored feathers. Autumn hat fashion 1915. Association for the Promotion of German Hat fashion Berlin
Iron Grey plush hat. Autumn hat fashion 1915.
Iron Grey plush hat with marabou feather. Autumn hat fashion 1915. Association for the Promotion of German Hat fashion Berlin