History of Costume. Byzantium. 400 – 1100 AD. Costumes of the Eastern Roman emperor and empress.
Category: Byzantine
The Theodosian Walls. The Triple Wall of Constantinople.
The Triple Wall of Constantinople. On the Land side, near Top Kapousi. Constantinople and its environs.
The Cistern of Binbirdirek called the Thousand and One Pillars.
The Cistern of Binbirdirek or Cistern of Philoxenos called the Thousand and One Pillars is a man-made subterranean reservoir in Istanbul.
The Byzantine Ornament of Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
The Byzantine style of art. The Romanesque style. Marble mosaic work. Examples of flowing foliage. Ornamental forms of ancient Persepolis. Ornamentation of the Middle Ages.
Byzantine Art. Mural, paintings, mosaics, and paintings from manuscripts.
Marginal paintings. Paintings in St. Sophia. Mosaics from Palermo. Enameled border. Paintings at Constantinople.
Byzantine Basileus in Grand Imperial Costume. Nicéphore Phocas.
Emperor Nicéphore Phocas (963-969). Basileus Byzantin en Grand Costume Imperial.
Byzantine Orthodox. Abyssinian. Patriarchal type. The imperial family.
Byzantium and Abyssinia. Patriarchal type. The Maronites and the Byzantine Orthodox churches. The Abyssinian Cross. Emperor of the Eastern Empire and Princes of the Imperial Family. The Tiara and the Crown.
Vestments of the Byzantine emperors and empresses.
Frankish-Byzantine. Vestments of the Byzantine emperors and empresses of the Eastern Roman Empire. Portraits of emperors. Splendor and house costumes. The Heraklian Dynasty. The dynasty of the Isaurians.
Byzantine. The Emperor. Greek, Latin clergy. Ascetics and monks.
Byzantine. Greek, Latin clergy. Ascetics and monks. The blessing of the Greeks and the Latins. The Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire and the officers of his retinue. The Roman Consul. The patrician. Secular and ecclesiastical instruments.
Note on the Vladimir Madonna, Vladimirskaya.- Note on the St Alexis Icon. By Robert Steele, Leonard Wharton.