Knight in armor and noble wife in Germany 1450.
Category: Military
Carolingian Costumes. Frankish King, Military Leader, Knight.
The Carolingian fashion of the nobility is still strongly influenced by the Roman fashion, mixed with Germanic and Byzantine styles.
Subaltern Officer of the Janissary. Ottoman Empire Costume.
Subaltern officer of the Janissary corps. Ottoman Empire.
Ottoman Empire. Two Janissaries in their dress of ceremony.
Each Janissary has a certain indelible symbol marked in the flesh of the arm by means of gunpowder, to shew the Odah, or regiment, to which he belongs.
Topchis soldier of the Ottoman Empire infantry.
Besides the regular and constant soldiers, comprehended under the classes of Janissaries and Spahis, there are several others.
Sword Bearer to the Ottoman Sultans. Selictár Agá.
Life guard cavalryman, weapon bearer, stirrup holder, Sultan’s sword bearer.