Tannhäuser. Elizabeth, the Landgravine. ELIZABETH is kneeling at the shrine in prayer for Tannhäuser, when she hears the chorus of the band of returning pilgrims, of whom he was one.
Category: Genre
Henry II as Captain Chevau-Légers. 16th century.
Portrait of Henry II as Captain Chevau-Légers. Portrait de Henri II, En Capitaine de Chevau-Legers. D’apres les antiquités de Wilhelm.
Torquato Tasso and Leonora d’Este. A drama by J. W. von Goethe.
Torquato Tasso and Leonora d’Este is a drama in five acts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The Italian poet Torquato Tasso is the focus of the action.
A Japanese sailing ship off the coast of Shimoda.
Two journeys to Japan. 1856-7, by Kinahan Cornwallis.
A Buddhist Temple at Nagasaki. Journeys to Japan 1856.
A Buddhist Temple at Nagasaki, Japan 1857. Source: Two journeys to Japan. 1856-7, by Kinahan Cornwallis. Illustrated by the author. Published by Thomas Cautley Newby. London 1859.
A street scene off Shimoda. Journeys to Japan.
Two journeys to Japan. 1856-7, by Kinahan Cornwallis
Shop of children toys of the 17th century.
Boutique. Marchande de Jouets. XVIIe siècle. Extrait d’un ouvrage de 1625, dessine par Jean-Pierre de Vermes.
French Lord in the late 17th century. Louis XIV court dress.
Seigneur. Vers la fin du XVIIe Siècle. D’après Chevignard. Ancien Régime.
First President to the Parliament of Paris. 16th Century.
Premier président au Parlement de Paris. XVIe Siecle. Regne de Henry III.
Electra waits for the return of Orestes.
Electra, the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, mourning the fate of her father, waits for the return of Orestes, her brother, as the avenger of his father’s death.