The first object that forcibly attracts the attention in this remarkable Capital of the northern part of the kingdom, as well from its commanding and picturesque appearance, as from the interest attached to its history, is the majestic old Castle, which crowns a steep and rugged rock at the western extremity of the city.
It would be in vain to attempt even a short summary of the history of this ancient fortress in this place. The principal events connected with it are however well compiled in the Descriptions contained in the various Guides to the city; and the admirable works of Sir Walter Scott have rendered many of the most interesting events familiar to every reader in this country and to many in almost every part of Europe.
The view here given is taken from the south side of the Grass-Market. It exhibits that portion of the Castle which contained the Royal Apartments, situated on the east side of the Palace Square, a large quadrangle built at the south-east angle of the rock. On the left, part of the modern Barracks is seen, and on the right is the large semicircular or half-moon Battery, on which the flag-staff is erected. In the foreground we have the irregular range of houses forming part of the north side of the Grass-Market.
The building on the left is the Corn-Market, and contiguous to it was the well-known gate of the Old City, called the West Port.
- Select views of some of the principal cities of Europe by Robert Batty. London: Moon, Boys, and Graves, 1832.
- Photographs of Scottish scenery by James Valentine (1815-1880). Dundee: J. Valentine, 1870.
- Edinburgh, from the Calton Hill.
- The Calton Hill, Nelson’s Monument.
- The New Royal High School.
- Edinburgh, from St. Anthony’s Chapel.
- Edinburgh, from the ascent to Arthur’s Seat.
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