Élisa Rachel Félix (1821-1858) was a French-Jewish actress and was one of the greatest tragediennes in their time.
Cornélie Falcon. Costume of Rachel in the opera “Jewess”.
Cornélie Falcon (1814–1897). In the picture it shows the Rachel in the opera La Juive, by Jacques Fromental Halévy.
Bouquetière Berne. Costume suisse. Flower seller.
Fleuriste. Canton of Bern. Switzerland costume. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Costume espagnol Toreros (taureador).
Spanish Torero bullfighting costume, 1831. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Espagnol Bolero. Spanish Bolero dancer and a guitar player.
The bolero is a Spanish dance which was invented in 1780 by Sebastian Zerezo, a dancer at the Spanish court in Cadiz.
Costume Espagnol, Bolero. Spanish bolero dancers.
The bolero is a Spanish dance, which evolved from Contradanza and Sevillana.
Espagnol Serenade. Guitariste, musicien et chanteur espagnol.
Spanish Serenade. Spanish guitar player, musician and singer. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Peasant girl from Ábelová, Slovakia.
Peasant girl in regional costume of Ábelová, Slovakia.
Bullfighting Torero. Corridas de Toros en España.
In Spanish bullfighting, the corrida (“race”), the bullfighter is called torero (from toro = “bull”).
Espagnol corrida de toros. Spanish bullfighting.
The bullfight takes place in a bullring (Plaza de Toros), which usually serves this purpose exclusively.