The Oriental Album. Characters, Costumes, And Modes Of Life, In The Valley Of The Nile. Prisse d’Avennes.

- A Janissary and a Merchant in Cairo.
- A Zeyat or Oil Seller with Customers in his Shop in Cairo.
- Egyptian Dancing Girls Performing the Ghawazi at Rosetta.
- Veiled Egyptian Woman.
- Warrior from Amhara, Ethiopia.
- A Mahazi and a Soualeh Bedouin.
- A Berber Playing the Kissar to Women of the Same Tribe.
- Nejdi Horse, Arabia.
- Arab Sheikh Smoking.
- Peasant Dwellings in Upper Egypt.
- Egyptian Woman in a Harem in Cairo.
- Kafila with a Camel Bearing a Hodesh.
- Camels resting in the Sherkiyeh. Land of Goshen.
- Dromedaries halting in the Desert 1848.
Source: The Oriental Album. Characters, Costumes, And Modes Of Life, In The Valley Of The Nile. Published 1848. Drawings by Prisse d’Avennes 1807-1879. Lithographs by various artists. Printed by Lemercier in Paris, James Madden in London, and Madden & Malcolm in London.