Rouen from Mount Saint Catherine. Capital of Normandy.

Rouen, Capital, Normandy, Côte, Sainte-Catherine, Robert Batty
Rouen from Mount Saint Catherine.

The Côte Sainte-Catherine is a hill overlooking Rouen and the Seine, formerly known as Mont de Rouen. It is from this high point that one can enjoy a remarkable panorama of Rouen and its urban area.


THIS ancient city, the capital of the province of Normandy, is now the chief town of the department of Lower Seine. Built on the gentle slope of a hill which borders the right bank of the Seine, it presents many varied and picturesque points of view, especially from the heights which surround it in the form of an amphitheatre.

We have selected the view which the site of the old fort of St. Catherine on the Mont St. Michel presents us with: from this point we are enabled to form an opinion of the extent and situation of the town and its neighbourhood; from hence also we can discover the greatest and richest variety of interesting objects.

The river, bordered by trees and ornamented with islands of the richest verdure intermingled with habitations, is displayed to the greatest advantage. The view extends over the Champ de Mars, at the extremity of which is the infantry barrack, seen on the right: beyond, the cathedral, churches, hospitals, and other public buildings; the bridge of boats forming the communication between the city and great suburb of St. Sever, built on the left bank of the river; the quays crowded with shipping, all contribute to heighten the beauty of this landscape.

Engraved by Charles Heath.

Source: French scenery: from drawings made in 1819 by Robert Batty (1788 or 1789-1848). London: Published by Rodwell & Martin, New Bond Street, 1822.

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