Tag: Historical Gaul costumes

The Gallic and Gallo-Roman costume period.

Gallic, Merovingian, Carlovingian, Fashion, History, costumes

Gallic period—Woad, or the pastel — Tunics and boulgètes — “Mavors” and “Palla” — Cleanliness of the Gallic women — The froth of beer or kourou — The women of Marseilles; their marriage-portions — Gallo-Roman period — The Roman garment — The stola — Refinement of elegance — Extravagant luxury of women — Artificial aids — A vestiaire or wardrobe-room of the period — Shoes — Jewels and ornaments — The amber and crystal ball — Influence of the barbarians.

Frankish Merovingian costume history 4th and 5th century.

Guerrier mérovingien. Costume du 5ème siècle

The Nobility. State Costume — Men 6th, 7th and 8th Centuries. Goldsmiths’ Work. Costume of the Middle Classes Men. Lower Classes. The Glove. Costume of the Nobility Women. Jewellery of the Franks.