Peasant art. Examples of Embroidery. Portion of an Old Carpet.
Tag: Ukrajna national costumes
Designs for Silk Embroidery. Ukraine 19th c.
Peasant art in Russia by Charles Holme
Ukrainian inhabitants costumes
Habitants de la petite Russie.
Woman folk clothing of Ukraine. European Russia 1840
Woman folk clothing of Ukraine. European Russia 1840. From the Book: Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world, based on authentic documents and and newer travel (1843) by… Read More
Bucovina folk dresses. Traditional folk costumes from Ukrajna.
Bucovina folk dresses. Traditional folk costumes and military uniforms from Ukrajna. The peoples of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Published by Johann Nepomuk Vernay, Austria, 1896. Traditional ethnic costumes from Galicia