English Baroque fashion in the 16th and 17th Century.

Costumes, England, 16th, 17th century, London, fashion, history,
Costumes of England. 16th and 17th century.

English Baroque fashion in the 16th and 17th Century.

Top row left: Distinguished Women from London in the Spanish Baroque fashion of the year 1590. Right: London merchant and merchant’s wife in the background a officer of the year 1590.
Bottom row left: Merchant woman, a servant and citizen woman from London in the fashion of the year 1590. Right: Middle-class woman, lady on the street, Lord Manors wife and matron in London in the Baroque fashion of the year 1640.

Source: Münchener Bilderbogen 1848 bis 1898. On the history of costumes. Published by Braun & Schneider. Kgl. Hof-und Universitäts-Buchdruckerei von Dr. C. Wolf & Sohn in Munich.

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