German 16th century renaissance soldiers. Drummer, Flag bearer, Piper, Waibel, Captain, Lieutenant.
Category: 16th Century
Costumes and Fashion in 16th century. Renaissance, Spanish Fashion, Tudor.
Italy fashion end of the 16th century.
Italy fashion end of the 16th century. Top row left: Neapolitan costume in 1588. Right: Costumes for funeral in Padua. Bottom row left: Students from Padua. Peasant clothing from Padua… Read More
Renaissance fashion. Italy 16th century clothing.
Italy renaissance fashion era. 16th century clothing.
Ecclesiastical robes. 16th and 17th Century.
Ecclesiastical robes. 16th and 17th Century. Top row left to right: Chamberlain. Cardinal. Prelate. Right: Deacon with the dalmatic and Alba. Altar boy in surplice. Subdeacon in the Alba and… Read More
German blackened steel armor. Renaissance weapons.
XVI Century – German Armor Art at Armeria Real Madrid. Armor blackened steel veneer.
Persian silk velvet fabrics 16th century
Persian silk velvet fabrics 16th century.
Firearms and offensive weapons. 16th century.
Accessories firearms and offensive weapons. Renaissance period, 16th century. XVI Century. French factory. Collections of Emperor Napoleon III. at the Louvre Museum.
Spanish brocade. Renaissance era. 16th Century.
Spanish brocade fabric 16th Century. Renaissance period. After the original in the Royal Museum of Vienna. Drawn by Paul Wahn, Vienna 1896.
16th Century – German armor art.
16th Century – German armor art. Renaissance weapons. Armeria Real Madrid. Armor Blackened Material Steel facade facings.
Sword 16th Century. Renaissance period weapon.
Sword 16th Century. Renaissance era weapon. XVI. Century. French factory. Collection of Mr. Armaillé. Offensive weapons. Sword. Grandeur of the Execution. XVI Siècle. Fabrique Française. Collection de M. D’Armaillé. Armes Offensives. Épée.… Read More