Moda Rinascimento italiano nel 16 ° secolo.
Category: 16th Century
Costumes and Fashion in 16th century. Renaissance, Spanish Fashion, Tudor.
Joanna, Grand Duchess of Florence 1547–1578
Joanna, Grand Duchess of Florence: A Life of Leadership and Legacy (1547-1578)
Venice fashion in 16th century.
Venice, fashion during the Italian renaissance, 16th century. Source: Giacomo Franco (1550-1620). Habiti d’huomeni et donne venetiane: con la processione della serma. Signoria et altri particolari cioè trionfi feste et cerimonie… Read More
German knight in armor. De arte athletica by Paul Hector Mair.
“The Knightly Arts”. De arte athletica by Paul Hector Mair.
Medieval tournament. Heavy cavalry 16th century.
Medieval tournament. Heavy cavalry 16th century. Knights riding to the tournament, 16th century. German Renaissance period.
Gloves in British fashion history.
British fashion history by Florence Mary Gardener. Gloves of King Henry VI., Queen Elizabeth, King James I., Queen Mary of scots, Hawking Glove.
Knights in armor riding to a tournament. 16th c.
Knights in armor riding to a tournament. Renaissance period 16th century Men-at-arms with lances, fully armored heavy cavalryman.
Knights in armor jousting. 16th century combat.
Knights in armor jousting. 16th century combat. German Renaissance period.
German Citizen in Arms. First third of the XVIth century.
On the history of costumes. Thirty-eighth arch. XV. and XVI. century. German Citizen in Arms. First third of the 16th century.
German Townspeople, bourgeois. Renaissance 16th c.
German bourgeois costume. Last third of the XVI century. History of the costumes.