The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 3, 1795-1796. Published by Nicolaus Wilhelm von Heideloff, London.
Category: 18th Century
Costume and Fashion History during the 18th Century. Clothing of the Late Baroque, Rococo, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Rose Bertin Minister of Fashion at the court of Marie Antoinette. The French Revolution fashion period of Incroyables and Merveilleuses. The Georgians and Regency period.
Regency robe à la Turque of white muslin 1796.
Regency robe à la Turque of white muslin 1796. Afternoon dress August 1796. Heideloff`s Gallery of Fashion.
The Purse of Rob Roy, Toadstone Amulet. Purse of Rob Roy.
Toadstone Amulet protecting new-born children and their mothers from the power of the fairies. Purse of Rob Roy, Helen Macgregor`s Brooch. Abbotsford, the personal relics and antiquarian treasures of Sir Walter Scott.
Rob Roy`s Sporran and Skene Dhu. Relics of Sir Walter Scott.
Sgian dubh is a traditional Scottish knife, also known as “stocking dagger”. Since the 18th century the Sgian dubh belongs to Kilt equipment of the Highland Scots.
Malay Kris. Polygar`s Knife. Abbotsford Swords and dagger.
Polygar`s Knife, Malay Kris, Tartar Sword in Brass-Mounted Shagreen Scabbard, Rob Roy`s Dirk. Hunting Knives or Couteaux de Chasse.
Greco-Roman art, depicting gods and objects.
Greco-Roman art, depicting gods and objects. Published by Giulio Ferrario
Ancient Greco Roman Culture
Ancient Greco Roman Culture Costumes and attributes Greek Roman deities. Source: Aggiunte all’opera Il costume antico e moderno di tutti i popoli, cogli analoghi disegni, published by Ferrario, Giulio, 1767-1847.
Ancient Greco Roman warriors, gods and objects.
Ancient Greco Roman warriors, gods and objects. Shields, Armor and Costumes Aggiunte all’opera Il costume antico e moderno di tutti i popoli, cogli analoghi disegni, published by Ferrario, Giulio, 1767-1847.… Read More
Roman Antiquities Artefacts
Roman Antiquities Artefacts Representation of various Roman military items. Signum, The Aquila, Field characters, fighting gloves as parts of a legionary armor, Buckles. “Encyclopédie” published by Denis Diderot and Jean-Baptiste… Read More
THE preceding engraving are taken from the original portraits, in the possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.