Rukūʿ, Arabic ركوع, bowing with the upper body’, is a posture prescribed by ritual law during prayer in Islam. A bow is called: rakʿa(do)
Category: 19th Century
Lady`s of the first empire by G. Boldoni
Lady`s of the First Empire by G. Boldoni. Premier Empire term for the period 1804 to 1814 and 1815 in the history of France. The monarchy initiated the slow liberalization of… Read More
Ceremonial visit in Japan. Visite de Cérémonie au Japon, 1895.
Ceremonial visit in Japan. Visite de Cérémonie au Japon, 1895. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages.
Ainu. Japan Tribe, 19h century. Ainos Japonais.
Ainu. Japan traditional indigenous tribesmen costume, 19h century.
Japanese General on horse, 1843.
General Japonais, 1843. Asian costumes by Auguste Wahlen.
India Hindu soldier costume 19th century.
India Hindu soldier costume 19th century. Soldat Hindou.
India Raja or Maharajah costume, 19th century.
India Raja or Maharajah costume, 19th century.
Chinese garden – Paris exhibition grounds, 1878.
The Paris Exposition Universelle of 1878 By Arthur Chandler.
Indian Groom dress in Calcutta 19th century.
Indian Groom dress in Calcutta 19th century. Groom a Calcuta. Gallery: Asian costumes by Auguste Wahlen. Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world.
India Devadasi, Jogini costume. Hindustan 19th century.
Devadasis (देवदासी) were Indian temple dancers who performed as “God’s servants” at religious services or also at secular events.