View of the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Mount Moriah, Tomb of Absalom, Tomb of S. James, Tomb of Zacharias, Mount of Olives, Road to Siloam etc
Category: 19th Century
The Golden Gate of the Temple at Jerusalem, Israel.
The Golden Gate is a walled gate on the east side of the Jerusalem Temple Mount / Haram ash-Sharif, dating from early Islamic times.
The Church of the Purification at Jerusalem. The Holy Land 1839.
The Church of the Purification is, in fact, not represented in this westward view of the Jerusalem landscape.
Historical views of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.
The view is extensive beyond the city, commanding the plain of Jericho, and, on the east, the valley of the Jordan, and a portion of the Dead Sea.
Armed San men about to set off on an expedition. Khoisan Peoples.
Armed San men about to set off on an expedition. Khoisan Peoples of South Africa, by Samuel Daniell.
The most striking and extensive view of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem from the north. The view from this point is regarded as the most striking and extensive of Jerusalem. By David Roberts
Jerusalem from the South. The city’s various conquests.
No other city on earth has ever experienced such a constant and terrible succession of sufferings as Jerusalem with its numerous conquests.
The Shrine of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, by David Roberts.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem stands on the traditional site of Jesus’ crucifixion and burial. The church is one of the largest shrines of Christianity and is today a simultaneous church of different denominations.
Costumes of Religious Orders. Habits of various nuns. France 19th c..
Religious Orders. French Carmelite. The Hospital Sisters. Nun of the Order of Magdalene. The Premonstratensians. St. Catherine’s Hospitaller.
The Pool of Bethesda, or Probatic Pool at Jerusalem.
The pool of Bethesda, located in Jerusalem, is the name of a cistern that was also said to have healing powers.