Rich woman of the people in Cairo. Egypt. Femme riche et femme du peuple au Caire. Egypte.
Category: 19th Century
Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving.
Africa, Arab Bedouin costume.
Africa, Arab Bedouin. Historical clothing. From the book: Mœurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d’après des documents and authentiques et les voyages des plus récents; Publié… Read More
Female from South Africa Namibia.
Female from South Africa Namibia. Historical clothing. From the book: Mœurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d’après des documents and authentiques et les voyages des plus… Read More
South Africa. A male from Namibia.
South Africa. A male from Namibia. Historical clothing. From the book: Mœurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d’après des documents and authentiques et les voyages des… Read More
South Africa, Namibia. Bantu, Xhosa warrior.
South Africa, Namibia. Bantu, Xhosa warrior.
Warrior of the Tuareg. Tamasheq. Guerrier de Tuarick.
Tuareg Warrior. Tamasheq. Arabia, Africa. Guerrier de Tuarick. The Tuareg (singular: Targi (male), Targia (female); are a people in Africa belonging to the Berbers, whose settlement area extends over… Read More
Andalusian peasants from Cordoba, Spain 1878.
Andalusian peasants from Cordoba, Spain 1878. Spain. Andalusian Types. Peasants Of Cordoba 1878. Engraved by Laplante from a Drawing by Maillard. Espagne. Types Andalous. Paysans De Cordoue 1878. Gravé par Laplante… Read More
Undine by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué.
Undine THE seas, the rivers and brooks contain the numberless tribes of Water-sprites. * * * * *
Types and costumes of the Ural government, Russia.
Types and costumes of the Ural government, Russia. Types et costumes du gouvernement d’Orol. Gravure extraite de la Géographie universelle d’Elisée Reclus 1880. Dessin de Delord d’après une photographie de… Read More