Girls as harlequins, clowns in pretty costumes with hat, fan and peacock feather.
Category: 20th Century
German child fashion in 1910th
German child fashion in 1910th. Girls on ski in winter sport costumes. New year greeting card. Illustration by K. Feiertag.
Dutch girls costumes from 1910s.
Traditional Netherlands girls costumes from 1910s. Old Postcard.
Callot Dress of Chinese Crepe. Paris spring season 1913.
Callot Dress of Chinese Crepe. Paris spring season 1913. Afternoon Cocktail dress of Chinese Crepe, Draped skirt by couturier Callot Soeurs. Lining of flesh color silk. Waist of grey chiffon over flesh… Read More
Winter toilet 1906. Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes.
Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes. Specialist journal for the entire women’s costume compartment. Published by C. Heinemann, Berlin 1906.
Autumn costume of striped wool fabric. Journal illustré de modes.
Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes. Autumn costume of striped wool fabric, 1906.
Winter costume of plaid wool fabric 1906. Le costume moderne.
Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes. Winter costume of plaid wool fabric 1906.
Rondeau Model of Peau de Gant. Paris Spring season 1913.
Rondeau Model of Peau de Gant. Paris Spring season 1913. Costume Model of Beige color,” Peau de Gant,“ combined with brown and white novelty check, which trims underskirt and coat. Collar laced… Read More
Two creations by Martial & Armand, Lucile Paray. January 1933.
Feuillets de l’élégance féminine. January 1933. Costumes by couturier MARTIAL et ARMAND and LUCILE PARAY.
Créations by Maggy Rouff and Jenny, 1933.
Créations by MAGGY ROUFF and JENNY. 1930s art deco fashion. French haute couture.