The Mummy, the front and back view of which are here figured, is assuredly the most remarkable hitherto discovered in the Ancon Necropolis.
Category: America
Two Mummies from one Grave. Front and back view. Ancon Peru.
Two Mummies from one Grave. Front and back view of a Mummy with a false head and funeral accompaniments.
Front views of two mummies from a common tomb.
The equipment of both while equally simple still testifies to the great affection lavished by the people on their dead.
Side view of the Peruvian Mummy from the necropolis of Ancon.
The disproportion is still greater in the case of the pillow forming the false head. The latter, is here represented without its envelopments, thus giving striking prominence to the peculiarities of the vividly painted features.
Peruvian Mummy. Front and back view of the false head.
Peruvian mummy. Front and back view of the false head of the Mummy. It consists of a square kind of cushion stuffed with leaves and seaweed.
Sections of the graves at the Necropolis of Ancon, Peru.
Notwithstanding the exact measurements taken of individual graves, these sections must still be so far regarded as ideal
Interments under fragments of earthenware.
Here we have a characteristic instance of the burials under fragments of thick-ribbed clay vessels
Interments under earthenware vessels. The necropolis of Ancon.
The body is seated in a crouching attitude and wrapped in cerements under one of those capacious earthenware vessels
Solitary grave of a simple equipped Mummies.
In a grave scarcely 3 metres deep we see a shapeless mummy pack bound round with a netting of cordage, its cotton wrapping coloured a deep brown with decay.
Exposed graves with Mummies of simple type.
Bleached bones, scattered shreds of raiment, bast coverings and cordage used in the careful preservation of the bodies.