Borders of very fine linen embroidered in very fine twisted silks, gold and silver thread and gold plate in double running following the design, and satin stitch for the gold plate.
Category: Turkey
Costumes, customs, traditions and history of Turkey.
Persian in traditional costume from the city Khoy.
Persian from the city Khoy, Iran West Azerbaijan Province. Gallery: “Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887.
In the Harem. Istanbul 1895. Dans le harem.
In the Harem. Istanbul 1895. Dans le harem. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages
Armenian lady of Constantinople.
Ottoman Empire. Costume of Armenian lady of Constantinople 1850. Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes, by Franz Lipperheide.
Traditional Bulgarian Costume 1843.
Traditional Bulgarian Costume 1843. Traditional Bulgarian national costume. Ottoman Empire. Costume Traditionnel Bulgare. Gallery: Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world, based on authentic documents and and newer travel by Auguste… Read More
Turkish Woman costume with child. Ottoman Empire.
Turkish Woman costume with child. Ottoman Empire. From the Book: Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world, based on authentic documents and and newer travel (1843) by Auguste… Read More
Noble woman costume from Turkey, Ottoman Empire 1843.
Manners, customs and costumes of all peoples of the world, based on authentic documents and and newer travel (1843) by Auguste Wahlen.
Costume Iman of Turkey, Ottoman Empire 1843.
Costume Iman of Turkey, Ottoman Empire 1843.
Turkish military. Ottoman Empire.
Turkish military, Janissaries. Clothing of Sultana, Sultan and Turkish dancer.
An Inhabitant of the Isle of Symi (Sömbeki).
It has been remarked before, that the dress of the women in many of these Islands was extremely picturesque and becoming. The present, perhaps, is only partially so, on account of the concealment of the lower part of the face