Robe à la Turque. Coquelicot striped Barcelona twisted turban. The Gallery of Fashion. VOL 1. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
Category: Regency period
Fashion and costumes of the English Regency period between 1795 and 1837. The transition between “Georgian” and “Victorian” eras. In France the transition from the late Directory to The Napoleonic First Empire era 1804 to 1814, Restoration period 1814 to 1830 (Romantic period, German Biedermeier).
The Regency fashion. Afternoon dress in half mourning. Robe à la Turque.
Robe à la Turque of black taffeta, with black braids on the back. The Gallery of Fashion. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
The Regency fashion. Two Ladies at breakfast in their dressing room. 1794.
Morning dresses. November 1794. The Gallery of Fashion. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
The Regency fashion. Round gown of fine callico. 1794.
Morning dresses. October 1794. Vol. 1. April 1794 to March 1795. The Gallery of Fashion. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
The Regency fashion. Robe and petticoat of striped muslin. 1794.
Afternoon dress. October 1794. The Gallery of Fashion. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
The Regency fashion 1794. White chip gipsy hat with a yellow riband.
England Morning Dress September 1794. Round gown of lawn with a narrow flounce, the gaufred plaits scallopped; short sleeves. Round the neck a full lawn plaiting à ľ Espagnole. The Gallery of Fashion. Nikolaus von Heideloff